Questions & Answers

How to integrate Faderport 8 Midi Mode in Cubase 10.5

0 votes
asked Sep 8, 2020 in FaderPort 8 by christianwistl (370 points)
Hi at all,

can someone help me that I can use the Midi Mode in Cubase 10.5?

I already use the FP8 as DAW controller.

What i need to configure in Cubase 10.5 that I can use Midi CC on the faders to control expression, etc.

Thanks to all members here.

2 Answers

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answered Sep 24, 2020 by fl16 (1,700 points)
edited Sep 24, 2020 by fl16
I'm using it. If you press the two "Shift" buttons at once, you enter "MIDI mode". It's all documented in the Faderport Manual. In section 8.3 you have the MIDI control numbers of each of the sliders in the MIDI mode so you only have to set up a new Generic Remote Controller with that.

There is a bug in the Faderport firmware though: the sliders don't update correctly with the values of the Cubase parameters they are linked to. I've reported the issue but I haven't heard from the developers yet. Here's a video of this issue:
asked Jun 8, 2021 in FaderPort 16 by peterdebeer (140 points) Faderport16 Midi Mode