Questions & Answers

Faderport16 Midi Mode

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asked Jun 8, 2021 in FaderPort 16 by peterdebeer (140 points)
I understand that to enable CC automation, a firmware update is required. However very hard to find any user documentation.

From other discussions, are Transport Controls disabled in Midi Mode? This would mean recording using the mouse (Cubase, Mac Catalina) while moving sliders?

If true this seems extremely unusable - basically I'd want to control CC1, CC11, CC7 while recording.

If I have to record the track instrument first then go back a 2nd time to record CC1 etc I may as well just stay with mouse, and draw the CC data.

If there's a better way perhaps Presonus could tell us, in the absence of user documentation and/or video demo it's a non starter.