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Locked out need help please, losing $$$ here.

+1 vote
asked Sep 9, 2020 in Studio One+ by spectacular g (390 points)
I was on the monthly and thing's were really good. Took a vacation and the monthly lapsed and the card on file was replaced. I paid for a yearly with the new card and got no new key or # to get back in? I launch and get Artist, I have a lot of projects in the works and cannot work on them. Lost 2 paid day's of work so far. Need help ASAP please.

8 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 9, 2020 by alanscott1 (850 points)
You would be best to raise a support ticket. It's generally other users rather than PreSonus staff that answer here, so a support ticket would be the most direct/quickest way to get help with your account/payment issue.

If you click on the Menu button on you'll see Support on the drop-down menu. You'll be able to create a new support ticket from there.
+1 vote
answered Sep 9, 2020 by spectacular g (390 points)
Just to be clear I opened a ticket on the 5th spoke to a human yesterday and was told it was going to be "handed off to the proper person and be dealt with asap" Still nothing as of now...
+1 vote
answered Sep 9, 2020 by greysonway (650 points)
Same exact thing here, they didn't charge me on the 31st, went to go renew it and now I cannot get into studio one. I'm working off of the trial version, but I feel as if I got screwed out of my 16 dollars a month.
0 votes
answered Sep 9, 2020 by spectacular g (390 points)
Still nothing here:( Never again with P...
+1 vote
answered Sep 13, 2020 by robertaenis (170 points)
I have been having a similar issue.  My paid Sphere account lapsed for a few days.  I resubscribed on September 10th, got my invoice number, tried to reload Sphere contents, and it says I need to purchase Sphere.  I got a ticket #, showed them my invoice, showed them that my account hasn't been updated yet-even though the charge cleared my bank.  The last contact I had with support was on the 11th.  Still no Sphere...  I love Studio One as far as the software goes, but they have TERRIBLE service.  I am in the middle of a project that I can't finish until Sphere is authorized again.  It shouldn't take 4 days to fix an account issue.
0 votes
answered Sep 13, 2020 by spectacular g (390 points)
Still no response here, I realize we are living in a truly difficult time these day's but I have NEVER seen anything like this before. I sure hope my $150.00 goes to a good charity.
+1 vote
answered Sep 17, 2020 by michaelchaffin (160 points)
Same here. Everything was working until this month, now I can't log in either. It says no subscription and now Studio One 5 doesn't work Notion Doesn't work and even the website acts like I just have a free account instead of Sphere account, which wasn't supposed to end until July 2021. This is a joke. Should have just took the Studio upgrade and not bothered with Sphere because obviously it doesn't work right. A freind told me to buy Ableton Live. I should have listened, Waste of time and money
+1 vote
answered Sep 19, 2020 by perbillengen (800 points)
Same thing here this morning, year plan. Have a paid gig tonight, everything is set up with Show, have to work my ... off, moving everything over to Ableton. 35 songs.

Should musicians rely on a server to be able to perform.

