Questions & Answers

I'm new to Studio One, I need help with Registration, Activation, Installation and find out about Upgrades

0 votes
asked Apr 27, 2015 in Ai Mixers by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
How do I go about Registration, Activation, Installation and find out about Upgrades for Studio One?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 27, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer
So, you have just purchased a PreSonus product and now it is time to get Studio One installed and running? Maybe you purchased an Upgrade and are having difficulty?

Did you know that we have a Knowledge Base? Click [HERE]

This is where Tech Support provides all sorts of useful information and step-by-step Guides on how to create an account, register, download, install, activate and upgrade Studio One.

Before we get to the articles there are some commonly missed points of information that you should be aware of:

Product Key

It is a 28-digit key code in the following format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX (where "X" can be either a letter or number).

NOTE: There are no zero's (0) or one's (1) in Studio One Product Keys. If you encounter a digit that resembles either, it will be a lower-case "O" (Oscar) or a lower-case "L" (Lima). Entering a zero (0) or one (1) or not including the dashes (-) after every 4th digit will yield an error message from the registration server stating: "Product Key Invalid".

Activation Code

It is a 16-digit code in the following format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX (where "X" can be either a letter or number).

Many new customers get confused by this code. It is ONLY used for instances where the user is attempting to perform an OFFLINE ACTIVATION of Studio One software (on a computer that has NO INTERNET connection!). If your computer system has internet connectivity, you do NOT need to worry about this code!

Note: This code it generated per user computer and is not listed in any physical material that we provide.  Please refer to the online and offline activation articles on how to locate this information.

Registration Of Product Key

Once you have registered your Product Key into your PreSonus User Account, you never have to re-register that key again. This is a common issue that users have and more often than not try to use the product key for the activation key. They are two separate codes. The software is registered into your User Account once and remains there unless you request a transfer (should you choose to sell it to another person).


Getting Started Guides

Step #1: Creating A PreSonus User Account & Register The Product Key

Step #2: Downloading And Installing Studio One Software

Step #3: Software Activation (ONLINE)

Step #3 (Alternate): Software Activation (OFFLINE-- for computers out Internet)

Step #4: Installing Bundled Sound Content (Sound Sets)

Step #5: Installing Native Instruments Komplete Players or Essential (New Bundles)

Step #6: Installing Melodyne Essential (PROFESSIONAL customers only!)

Step #7: Installing Studio One Add-Ons


Upgrade To Producer/Professional (From Artist)

Reference Manual

Studio One Learning Resources

Studio One Books

Installing On Multiple Computers

Tips & Tricks