Questions & Answers

how can I separate channel 1 and 2

0 votes
asked Sep 9, 2020 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by krzysztoflisak (120 points)
hi, got a routing problem, if I use one of the channels I can hear sound in both speakers, so 1 is played in 1 and 2 with half of loudness same with 2 channel, i can hear it in both speakers connected at the back to 1 and 2 separately. Effect is a mono-like output. How to make channel 1 input assigned to channel 1 output only and channel 2 assigned to channel 2 output and not mixed with each other?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 10, 2020 by omgmav (220 points)

You will need your DAW (Studio One) running and in a song project where you can assign the inputs to the outputs.   With your MIXER dialed all the way over to your INPUTS side, you will only hear MONO.   With your MIXER dialed to your PLAYBACK side, you will hear nothing unless you have your DAW running, with a project opened, a Track created and the Monitor turned on with the input mapping set.

I was just asking about the fact that I'm only able to hear my stereo input signal as mono out when MIXER is dialed to INPUTS side.   Thought it changed recently, but according to their support:

Hello Brian,

The AudioBox USB has mono inputs, and will be mono when monitoring using the "Mixer" knob on "Inputs". 

This is normal behavior.

In order to monitor stereo, it will be necessary to use your DAW to route the inputs to stereo and monitor on "Playback".

