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+2 votes
asked Sep 13, 2020 in Studio One+ by scottcilluffo (140 points)
Before joining Presonus Sphere I read through the details of what I would be joining. I thought I was joining a community of musicians, songwriters and composers and possibly producers who were also using Studio One 5 or below and that I would be able to connect with individuals throughout the world on my projects and possibly assisting with some of theirs.

This sounded perfect for me as I hated what I had been doing, which was scouring the internet for collaborators and then really not having any notion of what they were using and if they were as focused as I, plus I was using so many platforms. It took up a lot of my time and energy.

 That is what made Presonus Sphere so appealing to me. Of course, I get it downloaded, and upload something into my workspace only to find that I don't see any collaborators. I put a ticket in with tech support and they tell me that I can invite others to join the network and then collaborate with them. Is this the way this works?? Not at all what I wanted if so, very disappointing and misleading. I do hope I am wrong.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 5, 2021 by markuslludwig (140 points)
This is exactly what my intention was when signing up for Sphere. I wanted to come up with musical ideas and have others to contribute. Right now, it seems like i must already know the people who i want to collaborate with me and as i have not done this before, i don't have an idea where to find them.

It really would be a good thing to mark a workspace as public or add some additional tags to make it easy to filter when searching for projects that need help.