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Studio One 5 keeps crashing when loading Waves plugins

+8 votes
asked Sep 17, 2020 in Studio One 5 by coryhamilton (200 points)
So every time I try to load a song that has Wave plugins, Studio One 5 crashes. It always happens just as it's loading a Maserati plugin. PLEASE HELP!!!

5 Answers

+4 votes
answered Jan 7, 2021 by lanschuetz (730 points)
Not an answer, but a confirmation that this is an issue. First, note that I'm on a Mac running Catalina and latest release of S1. Also latest release of Waves Central, using only V12 Waves plugins. Completely uninstalled/re-installed Waves (Waves support did this on my machine just to verify I had done it correctly).

I've had Waves support go over my system with a fine tooth comb. Re-installed the OS. Moved to a different drive (a hunch, not a surefire recommendation from Waves).

It isn't specific to one Waves plugin. Worst for me is Abbey Road Vinyl. CLA-Epic sometimes does it.

Definitely a Waveshell issue.

Workaround: load some song that doesn't have the current suspected Waves plugin. Then load the song with the troublesome plugin and it will be fine as will the rest of your session until you restart S1 again.

Clearly there is something up with loading certain Waves plugins on first S1 start. Glad to provide crash logs as this is infinitely and reliablly consistent.
0 votes
answered Sep 22, 2021 by unistudioestdioaudio (440 points)
Also have the same problem here.

MacBook Pro with Catalina 10.15.7, Studio One 5.4.0 I have a mix of plugins of waves on V12 and others on V11

Usually crash with CLA-76 Stereo (this one is V12)

Down follows the crash logs
0 votes
answered Dec 3, 2021 by mitchellhicks (160 points)
This needs some support, its super annoying! Especially after black Friday Waves sales...

I am using Windows 10 with the latest Waves 13 and S1 Updated, This was an issue both before and after the latest updates.

+1 to the previous advice, The only workaround I have found is opening the new Waves plug in a blank session, then re-opening your frozen session, usually works.
0 votes
answered Jan 24, 2022 by danling (160 points)
Same problems,

Would love a fix

Not sure who is  responsible waves or studio one?
0 votes
answered Sep 19, 2022 by ralfcharles (140 points)
I literally just found a solution like 2 seconds ago..

At the moment I'm running Monterey on a Mac mini with the new M1 Chip. Since I had to run studio one through Rosetta in order for most plugins to work I thought that Might've been the issue, but alas, T'was not. Anyways, I pretty much have wave plugins on all the projects I've done. Rverb, H-delay, Real-tune and Ultramaximizer are a must so they're on every project I've done for the past 5 months now. What I discovered is that after it crashed and I opened it. I ticked the "Disable Waveshell1-VST 12.7" Box and for sure that got me into my recently crashed projects as expected. But the real key here is that after I opened the Plug-In Manager in the home page from the browser. and I went to the "Blocklist" section. I left the Waveshell-VST3 plugin option in the blocklist and removed the Waveshell-VST from the blocklist. So I'm running all my wave plugins like that and that seemed to do the trick for me. Hopefully this long winded and very wordy article would be helpful for someone else as well. Shalom Fambly!!!