Questions & Answers

Is it possible to re-beam and un-beam within Notion for iOS?

0 votes
asked Sep 21, 2020 in Notion iOS by sharonharms (120 points)
I’m writing a choral arrangement and the choir is used to seeing unbeamed notation. I can’t seem to find options for beaming, which is mostly unbeamed in vocal writing.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 3, 2020 by petermusk (140 points)

Tap your score where you would like to split a measure so that the green status bar is in the desired location.  You can then tap the single bar line to enter a bar line in that location.  The single bar line is in the 3rd pane from the right in the palette. Tap and hold your finger on the new bar line until you see a menu appear.  Select "Make Pickup Bar" or "Make Partial Bar."​

0 votes
answered Dec 4, 2021 by carltonflores2 (140 points)

i was also looking for the answer. vidmate save insta
