Questions & Answers

Does the "MON" switch affect the SPDIF-Output of the 68c

0 votes
asked Sep 25, 2020 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by sebastianscharnagl (120 points)
Hi everyone!

I’m considering buying a 68c. I use a TC Electronics Clarity Loudness Meter (Device) for broadcast purposes which needs an optical input.

The manual says, that the MON button makes a 50/50 Mix between Inputs and Mix tracks for the monitoring outputs. Is that true for the SPDIF-output as well?

Or can I select what gets to the SPDIF output individually?

The metering would be completely off, if it mixed Monitoring and Stereo Mix together 50/50…

Thank you!


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 5, 2021 by nilsautenrieth (140 points)
The S/PDIF output is available on your computer as a sound device, but there is no monitoring on it when MON is active.