Questions & Answers

Could users of Studiolive series III and Studio One v5 please try to recreate these 2 bugs?

0 votes
asked Sep 25, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by jv2studios (410 points)
Create to new audio tracks:

1. input 1

2. input 2

Enable Audio Device Controls in Console settings

Double- click on fat channel of channel 1 (blue, onboard) and select compressor. Do you see any? Same for the eq. Do you see any?

Double- click on fat channel of channel 2. Try the same

Now click and drag the fat channel into the inserts-area

click on the yellow "apply DSP to input signal" switch.

Does one switch turn off or do both switches (ch.1 +ch.2) turn off?

Can you individually control the fat channel of ch. 1 and 2 or does the other one always behave "linked"

What about when you control the pug in from the mixer? DO they behave as expected (separate) or do they behave |linked"?

Any help is appreciated.


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 28, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer
This only works when Studio One has a valid 1:1 input from the mixer. The FC on the inserts is the FC plugin and not DSP control of the mixer.
0 votes
answered Sep 30, 2020 by jv2studios (410 points)
This doesn’t answer the question.

There is a valid 1:1 input from the mixer.

Audio 1 is using input 1 audio 2 is using input 2.

The fat channels dsp on the mixer respond independently.

Only when controlled from Studio One they appear linked with each other.

Plus the fact that when choosing an eq or compressor from within StudioOne there are no choices available while on the mixer all compresors and eq’s are available.

I made a video of the behavior and am more than happy to provide the video for better understanding of the issue.