Questions & Answers

How Move Fader in Universal Control From Studio One 5 To StudioLive III 24R and Other Rack Series III?

0 votes
asked Jun 21, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by alejandroarguello1 (340 points)
How can I Move the Fader on each channel in the Universal Control For StudioLive III Rack Series mixing console from studio one using my fader port or another DAW controller. Series Rack does not have physical controls for mixing but it would be very useful to be able to do it from studio one using an external daw controller such as the port fader or any other, having the studio one faders synchronized with the universal control faders as well as the synchronization of the gain control. I understand that they are different issues since the gain does physically control the SL while the fader does not since there is no physical fader but these can be supplied by the use of studio one and a DAW controller. It is very helpful in studio use rather than live.

I would appreciate this implementation

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 22, 2021 by jonnydoyle (403,720 points)
Best answer
You can not do this. You can use Studio One Remote.