Questions & Answers

StudioLive 16 No Sound when playing back studio one recording (Headphones work).

0 votes
asked Oct 22, 2020 in Classic Mixers by rosslagrandeur (150 points)
My system is Mac OS Catalina 10.15.6. Studio One 3.5.4 45392 OSX 64. Studio Live 16 V 2.3.16845.

Mac Audio Midi set for channel 37 and 38 Output.

Studio One Song was  initiated using StudioLive 16 preset. Guitar and Voice record as indicating by recording track and sound bars.

Playback works, but can only be heard from headphones, not Main Monitors.I have read, watched and tried everything I can think of...Please help. Thanks.

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Nov 6, 2020 by mackjohnson1 (78,440 points)
Best answer

Check that the knob near the XLR main outputs is turned up. The best bet would be to create a support ticket so they can help out.
