Questions & Answers

Individual mic recording

0 votes
asked Oct 29, 2020 in Studio One 5 by (120 points)
I have a mackie profx10 v3 mixer and I was tying to set up individual mic inputs on different tracks for recording. But every time I try I get the same feed on all tracks even though I have different mics. Is there a set I missed in setting up the mixer to the software?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 31, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,060 points)
At the top of the track just above the pan you have the output. Above that is the input, click there and select the individual channel you want, the default on my setup is usually all. If they are not listed then check the inputs in Studio Click on the 'IO' on the left side of the mixer. Setup/ verify your input and output channels. I hope that helps.