Questions & Answers

Can you please make a mixer fader lock feature in Studio One ?

+30 votes
asked Nov 7, 2020 in Mixing by marioproo (640 points)
Could you please make a fader lock position feature in Studio One? This will really make mixing more easier as to not accidently moving a fader with the mouse and not even knowing it.

Please Please Please

related to an answer for: Studio One Fader lock feature LONG OVERDUE

4 Answers

+2 votes
answered Nov 9, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, please VOTE!

The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

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(Here's some helpful info on how to use the voting system)

Please vote the original question / feature request. 

Please DO NOT Vote on THIS response!

+3 votes
answered Nov 19, 2020 by raulcabralfrana1 (1,250 points)
Yeah, I oftenly roll the mouse wheel while distractedly hovering over faders and mess it up.
+2 votes
answered Dec 13, 2020 by adarshchandran (5,530 points)
Yes. I perfectly agree to this. it should be present.
0 votes
answered Jun 8, 2024 by jameswatts5 (190 points)
I have a ghost fader mover in mine, as 1 or 2 faders will move wihout my doing anything.! So yes, a locking volume fader feature  would be great as their tech support are unable to fix this issue I have. Anyone else have this issue?