Questions & Answers

Why my studio one giving me this message that says, "please make sure that you speaker configure is set to stereo"?

0 votes
asked Oct 9, 2020 in Studio One 5 by mohammadrahman (120 points)

I am trying to use my pre-sonus studio one on my new computer. Its giving following message..."Failed to open speaker (Audiobox USB). "please make sure that you speaker configure is set to stereo"?

Can some one help me configure my speaker to stereo.



1 Answer

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answered Oct 12, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)
Yikes, I don't really know as I haven't gotten that error. But my first thought is to make sure Universal Control is installed as you say it's a new computer and that has the driver for your Audiobox, I have a different version but that's where it is on mine. I'd check in the Universal Control App that the Output Format is set for 2 channels (it's 2ch. 24bit on mine). And I'd check the Input format for the same. Other than that I'm not really sure where to go from there. Good Luck.