Questions & Answers

Channel Lock Feature Request

+22 votes
asked Sep 18, 2019 in Mixing by JugemsCloud (220 points)

I'd like to request the ability to lock channels on the Studio One Mixer section. This would be a great way to prevent channel levels from accidentally being changed, to prevent other users (bandmates) from changing things, or as a way to establish a channel as "done" during the mixing process.

Essentially, I'd like for the lock to prevent gain, level, panning, sends, and plugins from being changed by a user (automation can still change parameters). Perhaps the channel could become "grayed out" once it is locked.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 12, 2019 by marioproo (640 points)
this is long overdue
0 votes
answered Dec 24, 2019 by DubLifeSD (240 points)
Yes, I would really like to lock my folder size in arrange view!
+2 votes
answered Aug 5, 2020 by djmogovan (1,170 points)
yes, please! We are using studio one as our broadcast mixer for our livestream audio, this will allow me to lock the tracks that don't need to be touched by any volunteers! Reaper does this already, please add this!