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Hot key for edit follows cursor position.

+3 votes
asked Nov 10, 2020 in Patterns by aka_busker (32,890 points)
I love patterns but I have one major issue - the default behaviour of "edit follows cursor position" is set as active by default.  I have been using both atoms and this is a pain because I can't even hot key it as the option is not available in the shortcuts section.  I like to loop my performances an layer loops, building new one while my current ones play.  But each variation gets dumped at the playhead position, not at the end of the current pattern under the default behaviour.  

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 21, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,440 points)
Best answer

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commented Jan 8, 2021 by arndkaiser (2,300 points)
"Cursor follow Edit position" is already available as a command and can be assigned to a keyboard shortcut.