Questions & Answers

Frozen screen with and some black screen plugins

+1 vote
asked Nov 15, 2020 in Studio One 5 by nicolasbernier (240 points)

I took several pictures of the frozen screens with colored triangles, always different each time!! I have to reduce the window and open again to reset. Also, I have some AU plugins that have black screens, dut in my list and the are working. I paid for version 4 and 5 few months after with so many new features as there are issues!! But so bizarre, no problem with last versions 4 or 3 for that matter. I am very disappointed. It takes an new update quickly to fixe that!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 9, 2022 by jasoncheek1 (140 points)
Paid for my Presonus on my ipad.
Tried to log in on my PC after purchase and the login page stays black. No fields for email and password.
How and or what do i do to download from this point?