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I stop my presonus studio one 5.2 from Crashing.

+1 vote
asked Mar 30, 2021 in Studio One 5 by delroyhylton1 (190 points)
I fix studio one 5.2 professional.  No more chasing on windows 10. Smile . What you got to do is turn on Protected folder and add all of your  music folders to it vst , your save folder if it's external drive D:\ and also presonus installation folder C:\program files\presonus.  If you leave out any folder you will get an error when start presonus  . You can check the error  history in Protected folder. What Protected folder do in windows 10 is prevent any program or memory  area from stopping the Protected  folder when it's running . I works for me no more crash . Smile . I am wait for my reward from presonus for this fix . Presonus could create some batch file that add there folders and your install  fold error to Windows  10 Protected folder. No problem anyway you can't do this manually  with little tech knowledge.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 31, 2021 by delroyhylton1 (190 points)
Windows protected folder have more than one function. If a program don't install all files in the correct Windows directory you can have problems. When you put these files in windows protected folder you force window to used and allocate all these files even if they are install in the wrong directory. Controlled folder access applies to a number of system folders and default locations, including folders such as Documents, Pictures, Movies, and Desktop.

You can add additional folders to be protected, but you cannot remove the default folders in the default list.

Adding other folders to Controlled folder access can be useful, for example, if you don't store files in the default Windows libraries or you've changed the location of the libraries away from the defaults