Questions & Answers

Why is there a drastic difference between what show in MIDI and what shows in the notation editor?

+1 vote
asked Nov 15, 2020 in Studio One 5 by joebanko (270 points)
I have been having a lot of issues with getting what I see in MIDI to show in the notation editor. In MIDI I am seeing 32 bars of MIDI notes. Switching to the notation editor I see 17 bars. I much prefer using notation to do loudness dynamics but how can I do a slow change from mf to p when I can't see the last 15 bars in the notation editor. It would also be very helpful to see the dynamics as the volume is changed using notation. When I transfer to Studio One 5 Pro from Notion 6 I see the volume dynamics line. When I remove  the dynamics from Notion and change dynamics in the SO5P notation editor I have no clue of what the dynamic looks like.

It would also be VERY helpful to drag a MIDI document (single instrument) into an instrument track. If I try doing that I get a whole new document which I must now cut and paste the midi from.

Thanks for any help suggestions!

Joe B