Questions & Answers

Should I be able to record MIDI at 200bpm then rever to 140 for rest of it? It's not quite working..

0 votes
asked Nov 23, 2020 in Studio One 4 by rgouette (140 points)
I'm trying to save time...

I have a multiple track  song with both audio & MIDI data..

The song is at 140bpm

I set it to 200, then recorded some MIDI(playing a kybd).

Playback seems.. out of time, & not quite matching the rest of the song.

Is this normal behaviour?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 23, 2020 by aka_busker (32,890 points)
It sounds about right.  I am thinking that you have amplified any timing issues you have playing at 200 by slowing it down.   At the slower tempo the mistakes are stretched out.  I know this sounds counter intuitive but you would probably have been better playing it at 70 and speeding it up.  