Questions & Answers

I am trying to send my entire Studiolive 32 ai feed (channels) to another room for live youtube sound mixing.

0 votes
asked Dec 2, 2020 in Ai Mixers by davidbonfa (120 points)
I have a studiolive Ai 32 mixer. I am trying to send the entire board to another computer in another room to mix an Aux signal for our live feed. What is the best option to do this? Simply use the presonus software or do I need to purchase a unit to run out of the mixer to the unit and then plug into my second mac in the separate room. Thank you for your help.

1 Answer

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answered Jan 28, 2021 by timbrooks1 (140 points)
We use the QMix-UC to accomplish this over WiFi with an iPad or Android. Same concept as if you were having a musician mix their monitor aux on stage, just in another room.