Questions & Answers

Does Studio One 4 have a Focus MIDI Mapping Equivalent?

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asked Dec 2, 2020 in Studio One 4 by noahjohnson2 (120 points)
I'm looking for a way to go from track to track (changing instruments) and use one fader to control one parameter (the same parameter) for each instrument.

For example: when I use a MIDI instrument track, I want the first fader on my MIDI CC controller to control modulation. When I change to the next track (which is usually set to a different MIDI Instrument) I want that same fader to also control the modulation on that instrument, without having to re-map it.

I'm very familiar with the MIDI mapping/linking system in Studio One 4 but the way I am using it right now, constantly remapping my faders and nobs, is just not working. It is destroying my workflow. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've been looking for a solution for weeks and have found nothing, I'm honestly getting desperate at this point.

If I don't find a solution to this I will have to find a different company that makes a more comprehensive DAW

Thank ya'll,

Noah J.

Presonus Studio One 4 Professional

Windows 10 64-bit

AMD Ryzen 3600

16GB DDR4 Memory at 3200 mhz