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Show chord name when select MIDI notes in piano roll [Completed 5.4]

+120 votes
asked Mar 21, 2020 in Completed Feature Requests by valentinosciacca1 (8,440 points)
edited Sep 15, 2021 by valentinosciacca1

I would like to see the chord name when I select notes in the piano roll as shown below.

I'm coming from Logic Pro X and I find this option really helpful.

I made this short video so you can understand what I mean: 

Let me know if you understand what I mean.

I hope to see this function in the next release! 

Thank you so much! :)


Thies feature was added in Studio one 5.4! They made it better than Logic, Thank you PreSonus team! :D

7 Answers

+5 votes
answered Jul 14, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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+6 votes
answered Mar 23, 2020 by michaelreid7 (740 points)
I would really like this feature as well!
+3 votes
answered Apr 5, 2020 by robertrubanovitsch (500 points)
This would be great and could include some additional suggestions for other supporting chords. Thank you for the video!
+4 votes
answered May 8, 2020 by franoismeilleur (1,170 points)
Yes please ! That same function would be nice in Notion as well. Having a "chord finder" is always useful. I believe Guitar Pro as a feature like this.
+3 votes
answered May 23, 2020 by fransvannispen (5,920 points)
I would much more prefer this to be a general MIDI chord info displayed on the transport bar where the time is. Not only for selected noted in the piano roll, but also the incoming MIDI data so you can see what you're playing.
+4 votes
answered May 29, 2020 by psychedelicalgorithm (740 points)
This would be such a useful feature! There have been countless times this would’ve saved me a lot of time.
+2 votes
answered Nov 14, 2020 by franoisduquenne (190 points)
Yes, this option is in Cubase and is very useful to review your track for errors. I always use it.