Questions & Answers

Can we get a real MIDI Panic command?

+15 votes
asked May 21, 2021 in MIDI Editing by tomslowcat (3,670 points)
I work with a lot of external synths via MIDI, and I quite often get stuck notes on them (Studio One's MIDI handling is still on the rough side to be perfectly honest with you).

I know of the "All notes off" button in the MIDI monitor window, but AFAIK, all it does is sending "notes off" messages for any "note on" it had previously sent. But that doesn't seem to work really: all of external synths with stuck notes don't react to it, and notes remain sounding. I'm forced to go to all of the External Devices windows and manually send a MIDI CC#123 (standard for all notes off, a.k.a MIDI Panic) one synth at a time. Since stuck notes tend to happen several times an hour on synth-heavy songs, this is a bit of a time killer.

Could you not improve the "All notes off" button in the MIDI monitor so it also sends MIDI CC#123 to all external devices? It'll mean the world to me.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 22, 2021 by valentinosciacca1 (8,440 points)

I'm having the same issue here with MIDI, I agree with you when you say "Studio One's MIDI handling is still on the rough side to be perfectly honest with you"

I don't use external synths but this happens also with plugins.
