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Capture Locks up at about 1 hr

+2 votes
asked Dec 4, 2020 in Capture for StudioLive by creinhard (500 points)
Question on Capture / Problem I keep having . Using capture to record our practices it seems to lock up at about the 1 hr mark every time I am a Macbook pro i7 64 gig 512 ssd and 4 TB 7200 rpm NAS no space issues .. I have tried both recording directly to the book 512 ssd and to the NAS both lock up when the file gets to be about 30 gig .. I have to force quit the application and it always recovers I save the file and open a new one and same issue .. Is there a file max ? My be a setting Seems to have started with the latest version of capture

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 5, 2022 by double trouble (260 points)
Having the same issue on my HP desktop. I have 2 24r mixers and both are now doing it, only started a couple of updates ago. needs a fix,just started a ticket to try and resolve this issue..

i not changed any hardware and use to work fine but now both mixer have same issue.

if you find a fix I'd love to know. thanks