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Studio one 4 performance monitor spiking heavily from not many plug ins?

+1 vote
asked Dec 7, 2020 in Studio One 4 by ethanmartel (130 points)
So heres my problem:

Recently I upgraded my ram in my computer to 16 GBs and its been working very well. I did a large project recently that used a ton of CPU draining plug ins and it was starting to peak the performance a little bit, but it never became un-usable. The other day out of nowhere, studio one is acting like I never upgraded the RAM, and its starting to pop, crackle, freeze and lag, and basically become unusable from not nearly as many plug ins as I typically use, just for writing music...let alone trying to mix and master.


I mix and master seperately, bouncing the tracks down with the plug ins so I am able to free up resources, its still peaking.

Obviously I turned drop out protection to max, and block size to max.

I bus out all my effects

I clear out all programs that my computer is using.

I suspect that studio one is not utilizing as much RAM as it should be, because 16 GB should be more than enough for me to use the plug ins I was using before. And yes, ive checked, I installed the RAM correctly.

Im not really sure where to go from here, but im at the point where I am going to have to switch DAW's soon because I cant do my work.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 15, 2021 by ellensoomers (180 points)
Same here, I can't compose a thing..................getting very frustrated! I have 16 RAM wich of I only use about 30-40% so it's not a hardware problem. If I use Kontakt or a effect like Raum, the CPU is in the red and all clicks make it impossible to compose...............I like Studio One for a lot but this is really a huge problem right now!