Questions & Answers

Assign different note fx to pads in impact xt

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asked Dec 8, 2020 in Studio One 5 by marcosantos3 (150 points)
Hi everyone. Sorry for my english.

Is there a way to assign the arpeggiator to impact xt pads, with different rates? E.g., i would like to make some hi hat rolls with my midi controller pads and i'm trying to have 3 pads, one with 1/8, other with 1/16, and other with triplets, or something like that. But when i change the arpeggiator rate, it changes for all the pads. I've tryed to explode pitches to tracks, and assign one arpeggiator each, but it didn't work. Thanks in advance, and i'm sorry if this was already adressed, but i've searched and couldn't find anything.

