Questions & Answers

Impact XT, how to globally transpose MIDI mapping for all pads.. Presets start at different notes (B0, C1).

+10 votes
asked Mar 21, 2020 in Instruments and Plug-Ins by dalejohnston3 (240 points)
I have noticed that some Impact XT presets start with the first pad at B0, while others start at C1.. I understand that there are different mapping conventions and that might be why we ended up here, but I'm looking for a way to be able to shift the note assignment for an entire kit in a single click..

So, if a kit (60's a GoGo) starts at B0, and my controller is mapped for first pad at C1, I can just click an arrow, or enter a transposition value, to then reassign the whole kit so the first pad is triggered by C1.

Alternatively, to be able to have different presets that could be recalled that would intercept my C1 and transpose it to a B0, although for pitch based instruments, that could be problematic.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 29, 2020 by frankodee (690 points)
I have the same question. I am using an Alesis VI49 keyboard controller. It has 16 pads and the first pad starts on C1, so every preset that begins at B0 has to be manually changed for me to use them cohesively. It is very time consuming.
+1 vote
answered Sep 6, 2021 by joshuasessions (180 points)
I also have had difficultly with this. I am using a Arturia Keylab 61 mkII. The 16 pads do not correlate for the impact xt pads routed for B0. I would like to use impact xt with a controller but this is a bit discouraging and also confusing trying to use it when the pads are not mapped correctly. If there is an update on this or a fix, I would be very interested.