Questions & Answers

How to connect too Soundcloud

+2 votes
asked Dec 9, 2020 in Studio One 5 by theodoreschutze (390 points)
How do I connect to sound cloud I cant figure it out


6 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2020 by eusdbra (220 points)

HI Theo

I have the same issue and have a ticket open, but let me ask a few questions:

  1. Do you have a active soundcloud account, I have looked but unable to find you?
  2. Have you connected to soundcloud on previous StudioOne versions?
  3. Do you have more than one account at Soundcloud?
If you get an answer from PreSonus or Soundcloud please advise as will I back to you.
+1 vote
answered Dec 9, 2020 by theodoreschutze (390 points)
I do have an active sound cloud account it is under the name 13x3 check it out and I have never connected to Soundcloud with studio one before.

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2020 by eusdbra (220 points)
Hi Theo,

I have resolved my issue, as I use a MiniMAC I have removed the keychain data from Soundcloud, re-entered StudioOne and accessed Soundcloud again this time prompted for Username and Password. Issue has been resolved.

What platform are you using?

0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2020 by theodoreschutze (390 points)
My problem is I don't know where to find where you connect studio one to Soundcloud.
0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi.  Open the browser (F4 on PC)look at the tabs instrument, effects and look for the "Cloud" tab.  It is on the right near the "Pool" tab.  You should find a soundcloud icon/option from there.  It should prompt you to login with your credentials.  Hope that helps some.
0 votes
answered Dec 10, 2020 by theodoreschutze (390 points)

OK so I looked for It and this is all I saw am I looking the the right place?
