Questions & Answers

save multi timbral instruments with their assigned midi channels & parts

+1 vote
asked Dec 11, 2020 in Studio One 5 by kornilioslabordus (180 points)
Hi Gregor, I am a big fan of you and your tutorials! As an expert, you may be able to open my eyes on an issue I experience with Studio one for some time. how do I save multi-timbral vst instruments with several midi channels? the only work around I have come up with so far, is to use the import song data from the song menu. this enables me to select the parts and midi channels from a vst in another song and add them to the song I am working on. there must be a more simple and direct way to save a muti-timbral vst and open it from the browser (F5) unless this could be a request for the next update in Studio one? Looking forward to your feedback! :) Kind regards, Kornilios

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Dec 14, 2020 by Gregor Beyerle (5,720 points)
Best answer

Hi Kornilios, thanks very much for your kind words! I've already responded to your question on YouTube I believe. 

A very effective way to work around this would be to prepare your multitimbral setup with up to 16 Instrument Tracks in a new Song (Midi channel 1-16, routed to the same Midi Out), and then set this Song as a Root Tab in Studio One's File Browser. From there, anytime you want to recall this, click on the Song Root Tab and drag the Track files right into the song you're currently working on. See attached Screenshot: 

You can also see this workflow in action in my latest Studio One Minute found HERE:

Hope this helps! -GBY
