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Provision of a "listing pannel" to allow easy access to presets for external multi-timbral MIDI devices.

+9 votes
asked Mar 15, 2020 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by rohanwalker (920 points)

Dear Presonus.
I come from a very long history of Midi.
And please remember, in the days before digital mixing, Midi was the ONLY way to produce large orchestrations, without investing in Fairlight CMI, or Synclavier.
I have a huge rack of midi synths that are no longer accessible to me.
The reason for this is that Studio One does NOT support clear access to the “preset” listings of external synthesizers.
Studio One handles presets for “virtual instruments” beautifully. There is a clear list that is automatically presented to the composer when the instrument is initially loaded from the browser.
Not so with external synthesizers. There is (apparently) no access to the preset listings, nor is there any opportunity to create such a list.
This problem has “lost to me” access to 20 external multi-timbral synthesizers and an absolutely huge library of sounds – ranging into the several thousands. Not to mention the investment of money and time that such a large rack represents.
I have been watching and waiting for you to fix this, but there seems not to be any interest. Am I a dinosaur? Is my species on the endangered list? Is Midi to be left behind?
Sorry, I am not angry, I am simply patiently waiting.
Do external presets have a place on your “to do” list, and if so, how far down are they?
Please note: I AM grateful to you, your systems are incredible, and most certainly created by an outstanding architect. Congratulations.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 31, 2020 by ayhantanyel1 (170 points)

I'm still waiting for this patch. I hope this problem is fixed soon.

0 votes
answered Feb 16, 2021 by samuelhenry2 (160 points)
Hi mate,

I have the same issue. I have a Roland RD 800 Keyboard, a Roland XV 2020 Module and Roland JV 1010 Module.  I am an original Cubase User.  Cubase recognises pathnames for external instruments for all the major manufacturers, Roland, Korg, Yamaha etc.  Studio One it seems is too audio, virtual instruments focused to the detriment of  external instruments. This is a great loss and the  main reason why I will not invest in upgrading to Studio One  Professional.
0 votes
answered Feb 17, 2021 by rohanwalker (920 points)
Well ladies and gentlemen. I asked the above question 11 months ago. It has been viewed by 70 users, but has not been answered directly by Presonus tech. Hey, no hard feelings guys, I am grateful for all you have done, I think that I am probably the heaviest Midi instrument user in the Presonus world, 20 rackmount synthesizers, 24x16 channels all with populated destinations, each one with 256 instrument choices, and no orchestral or DAW software to trigger them clearly without much dilly-dallying about. Yes, (I think) I would like someone to feel sorry for me. Midi has been part of my life since the Jupiter8 appeared with a DCB to Midi conversion (not that i could ever afford to buy a Jupiter8) but there you go. Midi is a major and significant part of the Studio Music Production History, and yes, I bought into it hook line and sinker, right from the start. I am trying to make contact with Gregor through his you-tube channels, to see if he might know of a "back door" to make external midi easier, but I wait for his reply, no, I do not like the idea of "sphere" because i cant afford a monthly fork-out, so no joy there either. please understand, this is NOT criticism, but it IS something that I think should be considered at least to carry at least a small amount of importance.