I have the driver in system32 and 64WOW. But I don't have it in Program Files. It is just a program/ driver to create midi ports and names dynamically that can be also be destroyed at any time. So that only used ports exist. Unused midi ports would just waste resources for no reason, shouldn't be much though.
I would assume the Program Files install isn't from Presonus as there is a SDK available. So if Presonus wanted to include it, it wouldn't need it's own Program Files entry. So I would guess it's related to a fake synth controller, a QWERTY to midi soft keyboard or a plugin. The drivers combined take up less than 1MB of hard drive space on my machine so I'm going to leave it alone. But you could always uninstall it and see what breaks, then reinstall that program. I would strongly recommend making a windows backup first. It's probably not be needed, but it sucks to have to set things up because you were curious.