Questions & Answers

Why is there no sound at all Zero?

0 votes
asked Dec 17, 2020 in Notion by bobarnot (120 points)
So i have owned Notion since May 2019 but I have never used it.  Why?  As incredible as it sounds, some prgramming genius decided to build the notion program so there is no sound when you open a score or write notes  It would seem to be the most basic of all concepts....a composing program with sound  Can you help?  There is no work around  There is no way to get sound out  Ridiculous

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 18, 2020 by wesleypeterson (21,050 points)
edited Dec 18, 2020 by wesleypeterson
I get sound when I score or write notes, when I move them around with arrow keys, etc.

Did you download and install the bunded sounds?( Woodwinds, Strings, Brass, ect. that are listed at the bottom of the Notion Page in your my.presonus account > Product > Notion 6 > Just below the installer for Notion.)

Have you checked in File > preferences to make sure all the boxes with echo listed are checked (Echo note entry, Echo selection, Echo midi input), since that's the settings that do that. If they are checked, does it play audio at all? If not, double check to make sure you have loaded a synth on the track (on windows, click on a staff and hit Ctrl+i to view the instrument on that line or click the name on the top of the mixer), if nothing pops up you don't have an instrument loaded and you need to set one up. You do that in Score Settings, click on the gear next to the track, it's under instrument. If you don't have any instruments you need to add your 3rd party VSTs through File > Plugin Manager and verify the location for Notion's Bundled Sounds are set at the right location File > Preferences > Audio Tab > And select the location of your sample folder.