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closed Save different sets of windows like in Cubase or Reaper [Duplicate]

+9 votes
asked Dec 23, 2020 in Look and Feel by richardlederer1 (3,360 points)
closed Dec 23, 2020 by Lukas Ruschitzka
I would like to be able to save different the shape and size of different windows like in Reaper or Cubase. It should for example be possible to create an arrange screenset with the midi editor full size and the midi editor below, or a midi screenset, with the midi editor full screen and the arrange window on the other screen, and for example a fx-chain preset where the fx-chains of the selected track are visible, an instrument screenset, showing only the instruments of the selected track etc. It should be possible to put shortcuts on all created screensets and switch between those screenset just with a click of key between them. I know there are shortcuts of toggling the mentioned windows visibility. And each screenset should look just like it was when i was left when switching back to it. Any change of size for example in the midi editor, should be visible after switching to the arrange set and then back to the midi editor set again.

This feature is the only one I am really missing compared to Reaper and Cubase.