Questions & Answers

Cant Delete Multiple Sound Set Locations in Studio One 5 - Studio One 5 Pauses on Start up Scan

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asked Dec 28, 2020 in Studio One 5 by jbandes (300 points)
This is so annoying. I have my sound set files located here: C:\Users\James\Documents\Studio One\Sound Sets and upon starting up Studio one 5 it hangs on scanning Sound Sets. I went into locations and I see 2 locatons. The second one is C:\Users\Public\Documents\PreSonus\Studio One\Sound Sets (There is nothing in this folder) When I delete that location as soon as I restart Studio One 5 it puts it back. I cant delete this location and apply the changes. I turned off my Antivirus but that did not help.
related to an answer for: Can't remove Soundset location