Questions & Answers

Is there an easy way to export stems in Studio One?

0 votes
asked May 10, 2015 in Studio One 1 by AlexTinsley (925,470 points)
Is there an easy way to export stems in Studio One?

1 Answer

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answered May 10, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,470 points)
Best answer
To export stems from your Song in Studio One, navigate to Song/Export Stems to open the Export Stems menu. Once in this menu, you can decide whether to export just the raw audio files (i.e. no effects or inserts), or print the audio with all the plugin effects.

To export just the raw audio, select the Tracks Tab and choose the tracks you wish to export by checking the box next to each track’s name.

To print each channel’s entire effects chain, select the Channels Tab.  You will notice that you can select any channel in your mixer, including the main bus, the effect buses, and any output bus you have created.