Questions & Answers

How do you use HUI mode pan in ProTools? ANYONE!!

+3 votes
asked Dec 30, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by jeffherrmann (440 points)
edited Jan 9, 2021 by jeffherrmann

We have a SL3 64S set up controlling ProTools with the HUI interface. Faders and everything else works, but if you select the channel and press the "Input" button (or touch the "Pan" button on the touchscreen) to select pan mode (and Pan   1.00.000 is on the screen) the rotating control doesn't alter the pan settings in ProTools, either for Pan or PanR. There must be some button we're missing here - what is it?

We have checked and are on latest 2.4.17466 64S firmware and 3.4.61835 Universal Control

Anyone? Does anyone have pans working in daw mode using pro tools? A single person?

10 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 16, 2021 by jonnydoyle (403,720 points)
Best answer
+2 votes
answered Dec 30, 2020 by jeffherrmann (440 points)
edited Jan 9, 2021 by jeffherrmann

Anyone? Does anyone have pans working in daw mode using pro tools? A single person?

+3 votes
answered Feb 9, 2021 by carstenprobst (420 points)
The DAW mode for Pro Tools is currently a disaster. Pan and Send do not work at all and the display in the Fat Channel often leaves DAW mode. A support ticket gave no help, I shouldn't close the control software and watch the video for DAW HUI. I hope that another firmware will improve.
+2 votes
answered Mar 1, 2021 by michaelbordeman (180 points)
I too am having this problem. My Master Fader is paned hard left and I can't center it! Sorry to not be of any help, I'm venting. I want to love this board, but so far it has been a constant source of frustration.... PRESONUS! FIX YOUR PRODUCT!!!!
+2 votes
answered Mar 2, 2021 by Dorday (4,680 points)
I agree.  The HUI mode is pretty much garbage.  It has never worked properly.  I just never got around to creating a ticket for it.  This post inspired me to do so.
+2 votes
answered Apr 19, 2021 by daviddaw1 (320 points)
I wish panning was the ONLY ISSUE I was having with DAW mode using HUI control for ProTools! I have a brand-new 64S and have had a constant list of totally erratic issues with DAW mode either not connecting at all, or when it does, moving a single fader will cause that fader plus another fader (either 9 faders higher or lower) to also move as if they are linked! I cannot get Channel 22 (only Ch 22) to solo from the console surface, and if I solo ch 22 on the screen in PT, the solo button will not light on the console (although the ch 22 solo light does work). Today when I attempted to pan any channel it does nothing, so I googled and found this thread. I have been writing Presonus Support daily for more than 2 weeks with answers 3 days later, like: "maybe try a different USB cable" or "does it do the same thing in StudioOne". VERY disappointed in Presonus, as I am actually a Presonus dealer and can't sell this product in good conscience, if I know it doesn't work as advertised!
+1 vote
answered Apr 21, 2021 by jeffherrmann (440 points)
edited Apr 21, 2021 by jeffherrmann
for all that have replied here, please contact me briefly, at "Seattle user 206 @ gmail dot com" all one line no spaces.

and DavidDAW1 I was once told it's my hard drive MY EFING hard drive that is causing problems, man.  The amount of total run around was and is still shocking. to have a video up pretending as though panning works is so wrong. So they had to sit there and decide to include a script where they acted out a function as working full well knowing it did not. is there not any kind of legality issue in all this. I'm just going to buy a couple of s1's and use the s64 as a live room mixer in the large live room area of the studio. but first, i have to send it back for repairs all ready. scribble strips going blank ch 25-26-27-28 all dead. I went through two s64s before getting one that worked well worked well enough to at least use it. And they had finally sent me the replacement board on the last 64s. and had to go through 3 x three 32s same thing. all purchased at once. i purchased s64 s32 two headphone mixer pods one of the network interfaces and a 16x8 remote box and  some other items and i was like a couple of days out from the promo they were starting and could not see clear to include me in that after all the BS and that's fine. but the fake video of pretending pans work is really low man.
+1 vote
answered Apr 24, 2021 by deanreichert (190 points)

I've been back and forth about this with support. The encoders are not sending out any MIDI info in DAW mode. This goes for both the MCU and HUI protocol. The exception to this is the Studio One mode. It works as it should. I have tried everything but to no avail. I found this out using Bome`s Midi Translator. Thought I could reassine the encoders to work but alas, no MIDI info was there to reasine. LOL Support has told me the issue has been sent to the developer and I will be sent a link for a fix when it's done.

+1 vote
answered Dec 11, 2021 by scarr85 (160 points)
Same issue for the pan and also the encoder on the master control doesn't allow me to use the scrub function when in that mode.  I'm using the StudioLive 32SX
+2 votes
answered Apr 7, 2022 by chihongfok (190 points)
The problem seems appeared more than a year. I just bought 64S in March 2022, faders cannot have reaction to protools file's setting and the pan does not work.