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Severe crackling noise in audio from Studio one 5 only. Other apps have clear sound!

+3 votes
asked Jan 5, 2021 in Studio One 5 by yarobalbaiz (150 points)
Hi, I have the latest version of Studio One installed, and I started hearing severe crackling noise on top of any audio I play within the DAW. Any audio outside the DAW plays just fine. I tried changing the audio interface (ASIO vs Hardware audio interface) but the same issue remains. I also tried increasing and decreasing the sample rate values but that also did not work. At this point Studio One is unusable and I really have no idea what to do to fix this issue. I am sure it is not a windows sound issue because all other apps and web browser audio are working fine. This issue is only present in Studio One. (Note: I also tried switching headphones but that did not work either).


RAM: 64 GB

Audio Interface: Native Instruments (KOMPLETE Audio 6) - updated driver and firmware.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 16, 2021 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
Hi.  It is not the sample rate you need to change.  youneed to increase your block size.  I tend to record a block size of 1024 when using a mixture of live and virtual instruments.  A block size of 1024 enables me to play the VI's happily against real instruments.  F.y.i. - I use multiple VI's (easy drummer + ImpactXT + Presence) and multiple live instruments.  
0 votes
answered May 18, 2021 by christopherblum (150 points)
I have same issue.    Changing block size did nothing for me.   Only happens in Studio one.   If i import a single mp3 no vsts or anything else i get this popping and crackling.
+1 vote
answered Aug 29, 2021 by brettwall (370 points)
I’ve been having the same issues since I started with Studio One 5 last week. It dawned on me today that maybe my project was being ran completely on the C drive. So I checked the start page. Sure enough I hadn’t changed the projects to my external drives. Once I did that I loaded up 27 tracks with full inserts of Fat Channel and the CPU meter was barely moving. No pops at all. I remember the reason I bought that drive was Pro Tools and Cubase were the same way.
+1 vote
answered Apr 13, 2022 by LucasTX (2,710 points)
I was having the same problem. Severe crackling whenever I have more than just one or two plugins and virtual instruments running. I tried increasing block size (did not work); setting drop out protection to maximum (did not work); disabling background applications (did not work); increasing the windows priority for StudioOne (did not work); increasing RAM from 16G to 32G (did not work); ensured i7 processor fan was well ventilated and not dusty (did not work); I updated drivers and firmware on my Presonus 1810 usb audio interface (did not work); tried using ASIO4ALL (did not work); ensured I was using the latest version of Studio One 5.5 Professional (did not work).  (I probably tried a few others things I don't recall now.)

What did work - switching audio device to "Windows Audio" (but still using the outputs from my Presonus 1810 interface). I don't know why that worked, but it worked for me.  Maybe it will work for you.
0 votes
answered Jun 16, 2022 by hectorortiz17 (140 points)
I am having the same problem. Mi interface is a ********* U-Phoria UMC204HD. As Lucas TX responded, I also solved the problem switching the Audio Device to Windows Audio. However I am still concern about the issue because I'm not sure if this solution somehow compromises the quality by using an inferior audio driver. Although I don't notice any downgrade in quality, I can't say I will not find any issue in the future. It will be good to have an expert answer on why this happens and how to solve the problem in a way that lets you use the interface's Audio Device safely.