Questions & Answers

Three Track Recording for Podcasting

+1 vote
asked Jan 8, 2021 in Studio One 5 by rogerbaran (170 points)
I have a Focusrite 4i4. This device has 4 inputs and loopback over USB.

I want to able to record three separate audio tracks:

1. My microphone  2. Computer Audio (VLC, Browser, etc)  3. VOIP apps output (Skype, Zoom, Discord, etc)

Everything coming from my computer audio goes straight to the loopback - including the "default communications playback device." I have tried to send the VOIP speaker output to 3 and 4 and set the same for Audio Setup in Studio One and designated a track to record it - but the audio still goes to the loopback instead.

Is there a way that I can make this work without additional software; like VoiceMeeter, SAR, etc.?

Thank you Very Much in advance for any assistance!