Questions & Answers

Exporting stems with track number as prefix, i.e. '01 Kick In'

+57 votes
asked Jan 13, 2021 in Mixing by bjrnglitscher (2,090 points)

I would love to have the option to automatically add the track number as a prefix to the file name while exporting stems. Right now, the file name only consists of the track name and, if I wish to do so, a prefix that I can manually enter (the song name for example). If I want the track number as a prefix, i.e. '01 Kick In', '02 Kick Out', I have to edit the file names after the stem export has finished. It would be great to have to a checkbox that says "Include track number as prefix" or, even better, an input field where I can build a template for the track names out of variables as it is in Logic Pro X for example. It looks like this:

Track export in Logic Pro X

7 Answers

+6 votes
answered Jan 19, 2021 by Lukas Ruschitzka (261,340 points)
Best answer

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+2 votes
answered Mar 3, 2021 by davidhan4 (250 points)
Has anyone found a solution for this? If not, please please please please make this a feature. It would be so helpful!!
+4 votes
answered Mar 19, 2021 by owenroberts3 (1,230 points)
Yes, some expanded file naming options (multiple custom prefixes and suffixes) would be very welcome when exporting lots of different versions of a mix.
+3 votes
answered Oct 10, 2021 by selepkow (280 points)
I am just about to swap from cubase to studio one after 10 years of using cubase and this so far is the only bad thing really I found in studio one that we cant have proper stem export options as well as prefix options! I want to be able to customize my export prefix names.. its a shame that such simple thing is not implemented yet :(
+1 vote
answered May 9, 2023 by franoisappas (620 points)


Has this feature been implemented in the last version of S1 ? I'm still working with 4.5 and stems export is a real  chore when you want to work professionally.

Thanks to the PreSonus team for fixing this if it's not yet done ! crying

+1 vote
answered Dec 1, 2023 by lieuweroonder (470 points)
Please, Please incorporate this in the next update..

+1 vote
answered Feb 13, 2024 by alejandrosuazo (1,060 points)
It would extremely useful implementation. Not yet in v6.5, sadly...