Questions & Answers

Hiss problem in SLIII 24

+1 vote
asked Jan 22, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by jw12 (590 points)
Hi . First of all I speak Spanish so if the answer could be do it in my lenguaje it’s better for me

I have to reorganice the studio (I run an Apollo and a SLIII and studio one 5)
I use to use the Apollo as the main interface I want to use the presonus now

The first of the problems. I just connect a guitar to input 13. Run a pair of headphones go to input rise the fader and I get audio of my guitar but also a horrible nasty hiss in the backraound

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 22, 2021 by jw12 (590 points)
I discover the nature of the hiss. I have all the plugins ON in the main. But I can’t get audio from YouTube and it keep saying that SLIII is unresponsive
0 votes
answered Jan 22, 2021 by jw12 (590 points)
Also is there chance to connect with a technician to connect remotely the unit?
I manage to get audio In but when I load a instance of amplitube I hear the processes and the clean audio.

Total nightmare