Questions & Answers

Studio One v4 resolution on large monitor

+1 vote
asked Jan 22, 2021 in Studio One 5 by philipgray1 (130 points)
I run Studio One v4 in Windows 10. My 24" monitor is 1920x1200. All good.

However, I want to get a larger monitor and worry about the resolution. Out of curiousity, I plugged in my 46" tv (1920x1080)> I thought it would givem e more screeen "real estate" but everything on Studio One was just ridiculously large.

Looking for guidance from anyone running Studio One on a monitor like 32". If so what resolution?



1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2021 by richardjames11 (210 points)
I also would like to know if this is possible rather than splitting faders to another screen which is difficult for my setup. I have tried a 50" 4K TV expecting to be able to get much more controls in the view so I do not have to split screen but it doesn't seem to equate this way - any ideas please? I am running Studio5 Pro.

Thanks you...