Questions & Answers

Great news! However I get an error when opening the DMG

+1 vote
asked Jan 23, 2021 in FireStudio Series by edentownsley (220 points)

Thanks so much for doing this!! Am experimenting with BigSur again and I do have BigSur 11.1, Am I missing something?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2021 by edentownsley (220 points)
I figured it out. I disabled csutil, However this didn't work! I then opened package contents and found the script, opened that with script editor and ran it. Mac OS asked me to set permission to run presonus software in security settings. I now have sound with the firestudio on Big Sur Just installing Logic Pro to test recording. Thanks again you are my hero :-p
0 votes
answered Jan 24, 2021 by steenhive (560 points)
Please don't disable csrutil, it is a security risk. Both the driver and the UC application are still signed by Presonus, and this is your assurance that I (nor anyone else!) has tampered with it. I must have a bug in my OS detection somewhere. I shall check once I get access to a Mac with Big Sur again.
asked Jan 24, 2021 in FireStudio Series by edentownsley (220 points) I re enabled it right after.
0 votes
answered Jan 30, 2021 by three cellos (140 points)

I unwittingly 'upgraded' to Big Sur, only to later learn from Presonus that the 8 channel Firestudio Project I paid no small amount of money for only 5 years ago was now worthless. It wouldn't work, unless I downgraded to an earlier OS, which I'd rather not do, because some of my other software requires Big Sur. Then I happened upon this thread, and with a download of a DMG, a few easy clicks and restart, Logic recognizes Universal Control and all is well. 

First off, huge, HUGE thanks to steenhive, who made this happen.

Second, if the workaround is that easy (at least it was for me!) why would Presonus itself not offer it? 

The Firestudio is not the highest end audio interface, but it's perfect for my live rig through Mainstage. I am so pleased that I don't need to replace it. Thanks again. 
