Questions & Answers

Video player add time frame/bar for navigation with view/hide option

+5 votes
asked Jan 28, 2021 in Studio One 5 by oddatwork (220 points)

Hi, when creating film music the navigation is done with various ribbons on top of the screen (Ruler/Marker etc.) Can you consider copying the the time beat/bar to the video player. In that way there is a visual connection to the video and the score.  I'm working on a portable PC 17" with a extra monitor for the video.(PC:scale 150% 1980x1080).

Thanks in advance. /Odd

 Video player with time/bar banner

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 31, 2021 by tothrec (32,310 points)
I don't think the folks at Presonus will see this Feature Request.  I think you'll want to start over, but this time add the tag for "feature request".  Then others can vote on it.  If it gets enough votes then the feature is considered for a future release.