Questions & Answers

how can i edit multiple notes at once in the notion ios app?

+1 vote
asked Jan 28, 2021 in Notion by michaeltobler (130 points)
how can i edit multiple notes at once in the notion ios app? e.g. from several quarter notes to make eighth notes without selecting each note. the only way I found out is that it is faster to rewrite everything than to have to change each note separately.....I hope someone has the solution!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Aug 25, 2021 by jakewoodward (590 points)
This would be a really helpful feature that I would like to see. There is even a workaround where you select your notes, select your new rhythmic value, dot it, (this will change them all to a dotted version of your desired note), then you can optionally un-dot them again. So the functionality is already there we just need it to be smoother.