Questions & Answers

Can I use Workspace with my Band when the others don't have Sphere?

+1 vote
asked Jan 30, 2021 in Studio One+ by ihnooetjen (130 points)
edited Jan 30, 2021 by ihnooetjen
I'm a user of Presonus Sphere. Me and my band are searching for a Cloud Solution for working together.
I would love to use the workspace included in Sphere, but my band colleagues don't have sphere, some have the Studo One Artist version and some are even using Prime. Is it still possible to work together as long as I got the Sphere Licence?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 31, 2021 by krollb (300 points)
I have the same question as a long time Studio One user who recently subscribed to Sphere and upgraded from S1 Pro 4 to Pro 5.  My band members use different DAWs, some Studio One, some others.  We had all been using Soundtrap from Spotify as a "lowest common denominator" for the cloud, and then I would export and mix in S1, but it would be great to use S1 and share files in the cloud via Sphere.  They don't do any editing, only tracking.  I do all of the mixing and editing from here.  

It would be great if Band members could track to my Sphere project with Prime and Artist.  Thanks.
0 votes
answered Mar 14, 2021 by raphaldoursenaud (430 points)

You need to add them as collaborators and they need to create an account and log in at

Then, they can access which is not on the main page for unknown reasons (Looks like a bug or a dark pattern to me).

Kind of confusing but mostly works.