Questions & Answers

Connecting a turntable to my 16.4.2

0 votes
asked Feb 8, 2021 in Classic Mixers by (150 points)
I will be broadcasting a radio show on and am planning on spinning vinyl on a Technics SL q2. I do have analog Nikko EQ, Pre-amp and Amplifier. How do I properly connect the turtable to my Presonus Studiolive 16.4.2?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Feb 10, 2021 by mattbennett1 (4,080 points)
selected Jun 15, 2021 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
You need to make sure you connect the turntable to the Nikko preamp first and not directly to the Studiolive tape input. Phono levels are much diferent than tape/line levels, and require a phono preamp. If you wanted to EQ for some reason, you would hook Technics to Nikko pre to Nikko EQ to Studiolive tape in. This is assuming the Nikko preamp has a phono input.
0 votes
answered Feb 9, 2021 by robibautista (160 points)
Connect the analog rca males into the tape in of the mixer. You will have no EQ but you will have audio. If you want EQ get a rca to 1/4" or xlr adapter then connect that into mic/line inputs or even the aux in. It may or may not work or work well but its a start.