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Audio problems that have built up / increased

0 votes
asked Feb 13, 2021 in Studio One 3 by joelwedberg (230 points)
I've been using Studio One 3 since July, 2020. I am working now on one song that is nearly done. I wanted to add an acoustic guitar part.
When playing the guitar, the vocals, the click track, or anything else to which I needed to listen was too quiet. I tried turning my audio interface (Focusrite Scarlet 2i2) all the way up. I tried turning the individual faders on the tracks I wanted to hear all the way up. No good.

I tried looking online (for example, at this site) for answers. Somehow, in doing all this, I've managed to make it so that there is no audio at all from Studio One. I hear nothing, nothing at all.

I'm no audio engineer. I'm a geophysicist, though, teaching at the college level. This isn't abject stupidity. I'm finding this *most* tiresome and unpleasant.

I checked my "preferences" (I think it's called something else on my Windows 10 machine) and the audio in and out is set up correctly, as far as I can tell.

I am exasperated and find the PreSonus community pages most unhelpful. If someone would get back to me with, say, a checklist of troubleshooting efforts to make, or something to get me back to finishing this song, that would be really great.

Windows 10 Lenovo Ideapad S340, Studio One 3 Artist, Focusrite Scarlet 2i2, blood type A+.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 15, 2021 by mattbennett1 (4,080 points)
Open Studio One, open the song, in the Song menu click "Song Setup", in the setup window, click "Audio I/O setup" tab, and click the "Outputs" tab. Make sure the 2i2 is shown and has at least one set of L R for mains. In the mix view, make sure each track is set to Main (directly above the pan control). If you don't see the 2i2 in the "Audio I/O setup", you need to select it after Studio One first starts (lower center of startup page click Configure Audio Device, Audio Setup, Audio Device, set Playback and Recording Device dropdowns to 2i2).
asked Feb 15, 2021 in Studio One 3 by joelwedberg (230 points) Problem solved, but not by this