Questions & Answers

Problems recording audio in a track with tempo variations

0 votes
asked May 4, 2021 in Studio One 5 by juanfranciscoguzmn1 (130 points)
I'm trying to record a vocal for a song i just composed and, to my surprise, everytime i record the part (that happens on a tempo change) the audio event gets stretched beyond recognition. I've searched the forums but doesn't seem to be an answer. Please help!

1 Answer

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answered May 9, 2021 by tothrec (32,320 points)
Depending on how far along you are in the process there are a couple options:

1. In the Track Inspector (right below the track name), set Tempo to "Don't Follow"

2. Remove the tempo change, bounce the audio tracks starting at the beginning of the song, then re-apply the tempo change.  Since the audio is now just one clip, it will not be impacted by the tempo change